App Details

The IT Request form can be used to collate IT Request data from employees in a standardised manner.  Once the form is completed by an employee, or perhaps even approved by the employee's manager, the response can be sent on to the IT Department to action.

Default Questions


1: Leader
Who is site Leader.


2: Job
Name the Job.


3: Permit
Permit Number


4: Crew Members
Names and roles of crew


5: Client Induction Required
Where did the near miss happen?

6: PPE Required
Is PPE Required.


7: Assembly Area
Where is your assembly area.


8: Hazards
For the following questions please outline any controls that you have in place for each situation.


9: Harness Use
Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


10: Ladders

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


11: Scaffolds

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


12: Roof Condition

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


13: Cranes

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


14: Elevated work platforms

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


15: Pits and trenches

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


16: Hot Work

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


17: Electricity Supply

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


18: Actuated Tools

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


19: Vibrations

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


20: Public Access / Protection

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


21: Signage / Barriers

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


22: Hazardous Materials

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


23: Chemicals

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


24: Stacked Materials

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


25: Weather / Temperature

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


26: Traffic

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


27: Noise

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


28: Dust and Debris

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


29: Machinery

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


30: Mobile Plant

Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


31: Lone Workers
Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


32: Overhead Hazards
Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


33: Underground Hazards
Please outline your controls (Who, What, How etc)


34: Photos
Any relevant images

Technical Details

This app package package includes a PowerApp for end users to view and complete the questionnaires, an administration PowerApp which allows admin team members to manage, update and deploy new and current surveys and an installation wizard PowerApp to install the necessary SharePoint Site Collections, Lists and Columns. A further PowerApp is then used to populate the questions.

All content is stored in a SharePoint site collection, which will be created via the Installaion wizard PowerApp. Additionally a series of Power Automate workflows are used to manage user entries, approvals and reminders.

For ease of use on a mobile, one question is presented per screen. Users complete the question and then click next to jump to the next question.

The PowerApp will work across the following platforms and devices.
• Any internet browser (online only).
• Android devices via the Microsoft PowerApp app available on the Google Play Store.
• Apple devices via the Microsoft PowerApp app available on the iTunes store.
• Windows PC’s via the PowerApps app available in the Microsoft Store.

A major benefit of adopting a SharePoint / PowerApps / Power Automate approach will be the surety of utilising Microsoft’s Power Platform as the basis of the system. Microsoft has invested heavily in the Power Platform, with a clear roadmap for the technology.

Admin App

All Surveys and questions can be controlled and maintained in the Admin PowerApp. Changes to a questionnaire in the admin app will be available to end users when they next refresh or load the app.

All user entries are viewable by admins in the admin app on a survey by survey basis.

Multiple Surveys / inspections or Questionnaires can be added to the Power App via the Admin App. Each survey can be customised via the settings page.

You can copy questons in one survey into a new survey, using the duplicate survey function.

Admin App Features

The PowerApp can accommodate a variety of field types, including Date and Choice types (with OTHER).

The field types include
• Short Text
• Long Text
• Rich Text
• Number
• Templated Email (online only)
• Choice
• MultiChoice
• Yes/No
• Date
• Date and Time
• Photo
• Audio
• End or Summary Screen
• User
• Alert Red / Alert Orange /Alert Green
• Link
• Rating 1 to 5
• YouTube (online only)
• Microsoft Stream (online only)
• Email Address
• Statement

Installation & Support

Our set up instructions will help you install Site Safety Checklist PowerApp on your tennant. You should additionally budget for support and training from the Power Apps Club team. We recommend the following levels of support and training.

Estimated set up time:
45 minutes

Suggested Support Sessions:
At least one 45 Minute Session

Suggested Training Sessions:
At least one 45 Minute Session